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Soul Retrieval
Be Your Own Shaman

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Soul Retrieval.....What is it?


Soul Retrieval is a method to bring back to present day life a part of the Soul that has left us due to any number of reasons. Such as: a child that did not feel loved, heard or seen, emotional, physical or sexual abuse, a scary experience, being or feeling abandon, accident, surgery, illness or  shock. 


We call this Soul Loss, when a part of the Self, of our vital essence, separates or splits off from us in order to survive the experience by escaping the pain.

Whatever a person experiences as traumatic can cause Soul Loss. It's different for each person, someone may experience Soul Loss and another may not with the same type of situation. We can even experience loss with seemingly minor events.  It's as individual as we are. It's safe to say that most people have experienced some Soul Loss.  


How can Soul Loss show up? What are the signs? Feeling not all there, not feeling connected with your emotions, feeling flat, gaps in memory, depression, physical illness, loss of vitality and connectedness to others and life.


In this call we will locate a part of the Soul that has split off and is ready to return. We will lovingly integrate it and it's gifts back into ourselves, back to Wholeness.


What's different about this method of Soul Retrieval is that instead of me retrieving your soul part for you, I will guide you to do it. It's very empowering to know that we can heal ourselves!


This call limited to 10 participants so that there will be time for individual attention.


$10 Suggested Donation


The donate button below should redirect you to paypal. If not, go to and enter for payment. After making donation, please send me an email so I can send tele call details. Specify which call your registering for US or UK. Thank you.

Classes and Workshops

Past Years Offerings

Laytonville and Willits, CA

Six Months beginning March 25, 2017

A Journey of Possibilities
 Willits             Laytonville

The six month Willits series,

A Journey of Possibilities

has just ended. Here is what one participant had to say:

During the Desire and Manifestation

portion of the workshop, Margaret had us feel into our desires then guided us thru processes in which unconscious

beliefs or blocks were discovered and released. After many years of trying my desire was to have a child. I am happy to announce that I am now 4 months pregnant. (I became pregnant 4 months after the workshop)

A jubilant Mom to Be!


Previous Classes in Laytonville, CA

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